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Oraco helps corporates attract and retain working parents. Our programs empower this vital talent pool to successfully balance work and family, building their resilience.

Building resilience

Career advancement

Optimize life balance

Supportive workplace

parents@work & oraco

"The program is a catalyst for change and growth in the company. The impact was beyond what was initially planned, parents, families and whole teams have benefited from the learnings and mindset shifts that emerged from these sessions"


Ileana Mitu

Bristol Myers Squibb

self leadership program icon

Self-Leadership Program


A systematic coaching program for working parents to build their resilience, advance their career and optimize their life balance.

peer coaching program

Peer Coaching Program


The perfect build-up after the Self-Leadership Program, designed to transform people into an empowering coach for fellow working parents.


Leadership Program


Designed for leaders who are committed to creating an inclusive, supportive workplace that recognizes and addresses the needs of working parents.

Oraco Service Offerings

Self-Leadership Program: parents@work

A systematic coaching program covering 6 core topics:


  • Values & Purpose

  • Communication & Relationships

  • Self Care, Health & Well-Being

  • Work Life Balance & Logistics

  • Career Development & Considerations

  • Conflict Management & Resilience

8 Group sessions with Oraco coach

16 Weeks

Self leadership program

Peer Coaching Program: parents@work

This program, dedicated to building the core competencies of a peer coach, ensures that an appreciative culture is established within the organization in which working parents support each other and is the perfect build up after completing the Self-Leadership Program.


The core topics are:


  • Active listening

  • Powerful questioning

  • Empathetic engagement.

4 Group meetings with Oraco coach

2 Private coaching sessions with Oraco coach

4-6 Weeks

Peer coaching program

Leadership Program: parents@work

This coaching program helps line mangers to recognize and address the needs of working parents. The program is tailored to the specific circumstances and culture of an organization and designed for maximum impact and includes the following:


  • Individual coaching sessions with Oraco coach to learn how to understand, support and engage working parents.


  • Group coaching sessions with an Oraco coach to discuss actual topics and challenges among working parents within your company.

12 Weeks

Leadership program

Included Services

The following services help organizations create a culture of appreciation, communicate effectively and are included in every parents@work program.

Community Membership

Access for all employees to Oraco’s community through an app is included in all of our programs. In addition to connecting parents to openly share their experiences and challenges, the app is a platform that offers a wealth of curated resources.

Employer Branding

Employer branding support is part of every program offered by Oraco and includes strategic initiatives to showcase companies as supportive environments for working parents.

Keynotes & Webinars

Oraco's programs also feature signature keynotes and webinars, providing participants with access to leading experts. These sessions are designed to inspire and educate working parents on various topics.

Events & Sponsorships

Oraco hosts an annual conference - a physical community gathering that brings together working parents. As a participating company, you have access to pre-sale tickets and can also consider becoming a sponsor of the annual event.

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